Friday 4 May 2012

Nelson Peach – Jack Frightenem Goes Viral?

Nelson Peach - Jack Frightenem

Sue and I were privileged last night to attend the launch of Cult Folk Band, Nelson Peach’s latest CD launch.

It was an excellent evening, very well attended, with lots of chocolate pudding Jennings Cumberland Ale.

Well done, Richard, Lesley and Rick, pictured below, from a distance, with a very weak flash, from a drowned camera.

Nelson Peach at their Jack Frightenem CD launch on 3 May 2012

I understand there has been a ‘run’ on stock of this fine CD, so readers should order now from the foot of this page to avoid disappointment.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Who ate all the Chocolate Pudding?

Backpackers in the Egerton Arms

I’ll give you one guess.

“Just bulking up for the TGO Challenge” quipped the culprit.  Fair enough, I suppose, he/she had walked 50 miles on Saturday “to loosen up for The Challenge”.  A first-timer whose spoon had failed to reach stared longingly at the well-licked plates.  Another, a seasoned Challenger who isn’t doing it this year (Fort William to Edinburgh has preference) looked on, with a knowing grin.

Such was the excitement to be gained from last night’s bi-monthly ‘Backpackers Meal’ – this time at the Egerton Arms, Astbury, whose restaurant behaved very understandingly on the night, as our meal time was delayed when a '”we’ll be there in five minutes” message turned into a half hour delay.  There is more than one Egerton Arms in Cheshire….

The loudest laughs of the night were however reserved for a Challenger who was absent, but who has recently published a kit list with a glaring missing item.  Personally, I think he deliberately missed off the vital piece of equipment just to wind the rest of us up.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Curious Brothers

The Curious Brothers - two ibex in the Maritime Alps

I entered this image of two young ibex in the Austrian Alpine Club Photo Competition (2011).  It didn’t win anything.

However, it’s more interesting than the pictures from Timperley this week, where I’ve been ensconced at home whilst our garden fence has been most effectively replaced by Ian, Mickey and Jay, from CL Fencing Services.  At least that gave me a chance to print our maps for next week’s TGO Challenge and order a few consumables from Bob and Rose, Webtogs, and others.  Annoyingly, the closure of Milletts in Altrincham leaves us with no local outdoors shop, so I’ll have to go into Manchester to buy new boot laces and proofer.

There still seems lots of ‘House Admin’ to do before we set off this time next week to start The Challenge, but I’ll try to make one or two postings in the meantime before the routine of daily ‘mobile blogging’ takes over.