Saturday 26 March 2022

A Postcard

I'm traveling a lot to Bacup, then Bacup to Preston hospital and back, just now. My daughter Kate's chemoradiotherapy treatment is going as planned. Whilst waiting for her yesterday I sat on the grass for a while, watching two helicopters coming and going, one with a body bag, the other with a rather more urgent client.

Meanwhile the guys in the welfare van were communing, right outside the A&E entrance, with a contented family of mallards!

Apart from the hospital trips, I try to fit in a 5km walk every day with Oscar, Kate's 11 year old King Charles spaniel. He likes to take his time, but is always eager to go out, and his nose has a great time. Yesterday we toured the environs of Bacup. It takes Oscar about an hour and a quarter, and I'm exploring a variety of routes, with a mix of moorland and town. The next few photos are from yesterday.

Today was parkrun day, and grandson Jacob (10) was keen to run a PB. He started with a thick jacket, and it was no surprise to me when, after rushing off ahead and then slowing to a walk for a while (allowing me briefly to catch up) he handed it to me at about the half way point.

Just when I thought I could match his pace, a chap (Danny Pollard?) from Clayton Harriers started chatting and Jacob thought a PB time was still on. They shot off and finished well ahead of me, though I did stop to collect Jacob's water bottle. 23.33 for Jacob smashed his PB. Well done lad, and thanks to Danny, who also got a PB time.

Jacob at the start

Runners walking up to the start from the car park near the finish
(taken from the same place as the previous picture)

Burnley parkrun takes place in Towneley Park, by Towneley Hall, a magnificent venue.

I realise all this is of limited interest, but it's all I can manage at the moment, and certain family members do appreciate the 'postcards'.

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Some Walks in Lancashire

I'll report in more detail when I get home, but BC will be pleased to hear that I've now embarked on a crusade of Mark Sutcliffe's 'Cicerone Lancashire' walks.

The first was Number 32 - 'Sunnyhurst Wood and Darwen's Jubilee Tower'. You can see from the picture that another visit will be needed to see the tower at its best!

The second was walk Number 15 - 'Glasson, Cockersand Abbey and Conder Green', conveniently situated near Preston Hospital.  I felt a little guilty to be enjoying the sunshine while my daughter was undergoing chemoradiotherapy, but it was better than waiting in the hospital car park. The picture below shows Plover Scar lighthouse from the remains of Cockersand Abbey, in the Lune estuary.


Sunday 20 March 2022

March sunlight by De Quincey Park

Lovely light in the park, as there often is in the morning.