A leisurely start saw us being waved off by Andrea and Thomas at around 9am after enjoying their wonderful hospitality for a couple of nights. Thank you so much.
A six hour drive plus stops got us 260 miles to Corvara in mostly sunny weather. I couldn't resist capturing a few scenes through the Polo's windscreen.
Our destination was Hotel Posta Zirm, where we have a spacious room for a week. Sue is concerned that it is so big, with so much storage, that we won't find everything we've brought with us when we leave!
The drizzle that had accompanied us from Brunico got heavier after we'd unloaded the car. Here's the view from our balcony towards the Sella Group of mountains.
Soon we were off to La Tambra, a short walk away, to join other Collett's clients for 'Office Hour', a chance to socialise, and plan for tomorrow.
Collett's has changed since we last used them. Walks are now self guided as opposed to accompanied, and guests in Corvara no longer enjoy communal meals together. In the past there were lots of staff based in Corvara (and elsewhere), whereas now it's just Ayelen, Elisan and Floris in Corvara. They do have the same philosophy though, and changes have been due to stuff outside their control, such as insurance and mountain guide issues, not to mention Brexit.
On return to Posta Zirm, we enjoyed a very good five course meal. I'm stuffed!
Here's my view of Sassongher from the hotel.
Sue went for a stroll and found some Columbines, and some nice views.
Mileage: 280 (Cum: 1018)
Garmin: 0