Sunday 13 April 2008

Saturday 12 April - A View to Beinn Alligin

Tonight we have a fine moonlit view of Beinn Alligin, whose slopes have a covering of snow above about 400 metres.
From here we have a fine sight of the steep gully that leads to the summit.
We enjoyed a firework display tonight, put on for revellers at a wedding at the nearby Torridon Hotel.
This after a 10 hour, 450 mile journey, loaded to the gunnels - the vibration had gone; the only discomforting sound was that of the rear mudflaps scraping along the ground, followed by a superb lasagna and fine wine,
En route we picked up Heather's TGOC food parcels and were pleased to be told that she should be walking again next week after the plaster comes off her broken metatarsal - a ballroom injury, apparently!
The above view is of Beinn Alligin, from our bedroom window, taken later in the week.

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