Saturday 31 May 2008

Friday 29 May 2008 - A Busy Life

I can hear you now.

'Oh no, not the canal again!'

Well, you must admit, it has 'greened up' a little since our last visit.

And swathes of meadow buttercups have sprouted as well.

But the ginnel through which I enter the towpath has high nettles that seem to have grown as voraciously as our lawn during our absence on the TGO Challenge.


And it is gratifying to learn that the blog I wrote during the Challenge seems to have been appreciated. I finished editing it this morning and stuck an appropriate message on the TGO Message Board.

This blog usually has about 30 visitors a day. Today there were 868 page loads!!


Anyway, we are off on a different sort of backpacking trip in the Lake District tomorrow. I have heard that I'll have problems with Orange reception.

But what's new? I'll try to entertain, or at least broadcast where we are and how we get on. The plans are set out in detail here.

Feel free to join us for a spell - we should be easy to spot!


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