Friday 29 August 2008

North of Ullapool

I am enjoying listening to Bob and Lee's podcasts of their walk along the Cape Wrath Trail in early May, though the low(ish) route the walk takes is a little disappointing.

Mountains like Ben More Assynt, Quinag and Foinaven should surely be part of the itinerary!

The podcasts are easily found at The Outdoors Station, or from the links below:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Today's image is from the area that Bob and Lee passed through on their saunter. It shows Dave Oliver on 26 March 2007, on one of Stac Pollaidh's many pinnacles, looking towards the Coigach peaks.

Here's a link to a report on that trip, including an excellent holiday cottage in Ullapool, should you be tempted. And here are some more images from 2005. Readers will possibly be thankful that I haven't got round to writing proper reports for our 2005 and 2006 visits to the area!

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful picture - it makes me feel dizzy just looking at the drops!
