Monday 8 September 2008

Saturday 6 September 2008 - Red House Farm Maize Maze

Here we are, in the sunshine again, eating ice creams with Andrew and Kate and their parents, at Red House Farm after escaping intact from the Maize Maze. For the last few years the maze has become a summer fixture at the farm, and we got there on the day before the attraction closed, presumably for harvesting.

The maze incorporates a treasure hunt that makes sure all corners of the field are visited. You get a map, and a red flag to enable rescues to take place. (They do, frequently!)

There are quite a number of Dead Ends.

We must have walked quite a way in the hour and a half we spent in the field of maize, before finally escaping, victorious after having, led by Andrew and Kate, tracked down all the clues.

There are other attractions at the farm. This year they have a Barrel Train that was enjoyed by all those who tried it.

And the children played on the go-karts...
See Al groping for the gear stick!

Thank you to Al and 'Stay at Home Hazel', and Andrew and Kate, for a most enjoyable afternoon and a lovely meal afterwards.

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