Tuesday 14 October 2008

Monday 13 October 2008 - The Canon Powershot G10 Lands in Timperley - Hooray

1301G10Well, what a surprise!

A call from Kamera (Equipment Express) in Altrincham alerted me to their first delivery of the G10. They only had five, so I'm glad I got my name down early. The price was cheaper than expected, and as I already had a case, they kindly swapped that for a bigger memory card which indicated that it will fit over 1000 high resolution images.

The expected availability date, 31 October (see my earlier posting on the subject), was subject to change, and I assumed it would be a change for the worse. How refreshing to discover that they have actually underpromised on everything (except, I hope, quality).

I can't find any reviews of the camera, so have taken a bit of a flier I suppose, but it looks good to me.

I'm up to page 30 of the 300 page manual. The snap above was taken with the old Olympus C-220, but the G10 will soon be in action. Rather a lot more reading is necessary as well!

There are some links to images here.


  1. Congratulations! :)
    I am still waiting for that camera (I do a research all the time, that's why I came to your blog).

    All I could find useful:

    and very nice samples

    And stop reading the manual! :D Post your impressions and photos please. Everybody is posting photos done somewhere outside. It would be nice to see some pictures somewhere inside e.g. a building, somewhere where a light forces a photographer to work more with a camera :) Good luck!

  2. Thank you Robert. Bill Lockhart's comments were interesting and encouraging, and the smugmug samples were interesting. I'll continue to follow Bill's reports. The camera is quite different to my old S70, and I'm sure that I never really got the best out of that after not fully reading/understanding the manual. This time I'm determined to do better after having spent the money on the G10. So I'll persevere with the manual! I'm afraid I'm not a photographer - just someone who carries a camera around and takes opportunistic snaps, mainly landscapes. I'm ashamed to say I don't even carry a tripod (other than the one you see in the photo that came with the camera).
    I'm not sure that the reduced size 'blogged' images will do justice to the camera - maybe I'll have to upload them to galleries for viewing as from here:
    http://phreerunner.blogspot.com/2008/10/swcp-slideshow.html - those were mainly with Sue's G9 in dull weather.
    And I'll have to explore RAW images, I suppose. I do have Photoshop CS2 but it doesn't look as if that will be compatible, so I may have to try the Canon software.
    Anyway, I will try to post some images and impressions - this blog is after all supposed to be a 'postcard'.

  3. Do not worry about tripods and other stuff. In my opinion, since you have pleasure with taking pictures, nothing else matters.
    I've asked you about samples because I've heard too many different opinions :)
    So, if you can, one day, take pictures, say with ISO 100, 200 and 400 (400 is the most important for me) I will be very thankful.

    Anyway, I envy you. I can not even buy it yet, I have to wait (!) which drives me nuts.

  4. Just for you Robert - see today's posting - I'm not sure how useful the indoor shots of my monitor are - you probably shouldn't put much faith in them. What subject would you like for the next ISO test?

  5. Whatever is convenient for you, really :)
    You can take some pictures in your garage or church. There will be not enough light, so then you need use either special program (from a camera) or manually setup ISO and other stuff.

    If you wonder about taking pictures for example at home, one thing will be important for me: just take a photo when outside is dark and you have to turn on a lights (this will be not natural environment).

    Second & third opportunity would be taking pictures at the evening (not quite a night) and a full night :)

    Thank you so much!

    I am sorry for my English. I hope you know what I mean :)
