Friday 10 October 2008

SWCP slideshow

Click here* for a slideshow of our recent South West Coast Path trip. (It's the first time I've tried this - any feedback would be appreciated - I know most of the photos are already on the previous posting, but hey...)
*The first screen gives you the Picasa thumbnail images; if you then click on 'slideshow' you can adjust the speed by pressing + or - either side of the word 'seconds', and you can hide the captions if you wish. Pressing pauses the slideshow, after which press again to restart, or manually move from slide to slide using the arrows.

The area in which we walked (Plymouth to Torcross) is shown below - apologies for the poor resolution, but it gives you the general idea....


  1. The slide show is good - and once I realised that I could slow the change rate down, I could both read the captions and look at the photos!

  2. Yes - even though I'd seen most of the photos in your post, I really enjoyed the slide show. I love the idea of tackling the SWCP piecemeal.

  3. I put some guidance in, following Gayle's comment - it proved useful for some of the people with whom we've been doing the SWCP piecemeal over more than 10 years. They aren't used to accessing Picasa slideshows. It would seem that the weather was a bit brighter when they did this section in May - unfortunately the TGO Challenge finishes the day before the coastal path weekend starts - which makes the logistics of joining the rest of the gang in Devon a bit hectic (though we did manage it last year).
