Tuesday 2 December 2008

Sunday 30 November 2008 - Annual Pilgrimage to Center Parcs

The Dishy Pharmacist (aka Nallo Lady) and I headed up the A1 from Cambridge, via an overnight sojourn in Mansfield, to reach Sherwood Forest on a typically cold morning. On arrival we stumbled along, heavily laden with projection equipment, to villa 758 after our usual wrestling match with the giant, but full, car park.

Having arrived earlier than usual, we enjoyed a second breakfast before heading off on a day of activity - to the squash court, followed by badminton, table tennis, snooker, spinning (cycling) for some, and rallying for Stuart and Chris, before most of us adjourned to the swimming pool for a break before dinner. Somewhere in the middle of all this, Peg and Lyn served a sumptuous lunch back at the villa.
It was cold.  Below freezing point. We were somewhat bemused by Rob's decision to book an outdoor tennis court at 5.30, but it had been paid for, so, after a bit of difficulty with the faintish overhead lights, five of us enjoyed an hour of trying to impersonate Andy Murray.  It was surprisingly good fun.  We only had three balls, so the rotating ball boy roll gave as much exercise as the actual playing of the game.   Here we are - Sue is wearing a down jacket, gloves and hat, but despite other ailments as well, she still managed to outplay the rest of us!blog-08113002tennis Meanwhile others had been busy in the kitchen.  The balsamic beef and sumptuous vegetable accompaniments were excellent, and the whisky cake (our contribution) that followed was obviously appreciated as it vanished in a trice.

The traditional slide show followed, with our 'Italian Border Route' images being presented for the second time this weekend, followed by our 'New Zealand' show.blog-08113004nzslide
This lot have stamina, having in the past got through Stuart's epic showing of the 1300 images from his historic World Tour.

Well done everyone, we really enjoyed our day with you all.

There was even an interlude for some self-timed photos before we headed off:

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