Sunday 10 May 2009

Sunday 10 May 2009 - TGO Challenge Day 3 - Plan - Wild Camp at High Lochan to Wild Camp by Allt a' Choire Screamhaich

Our planned route and statistics for today are shown below:

1 Wild camp
2 Garbh Chioch Mhor (M)
3 Col at 736 metres
4 Sgurr nan Coireachan (M)
5 Path by Allt Coire nan Uth
6 Glendessary
7 Strathan
8 Bridge
9 Col at 436 metres
10 By Gualann nan Osna
11 Gulvain south summit
12 Gulvain north summit (M)
13 Col at 540 metres
14 Wild camp by Allt a' Choire Screamhaich at NN 021 886 (approx 480 metres)

22 km
1800 metres ascent
10.7 hours
(3 Munros)


Our full route is here.

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