Thursday 7 May 2009

TGO Challenge 2009 - 1st Prologue - A Wet Trip to Sunny Montrose

Let the journey commence.

A shopping trip en route to Montrose may have alleviated the likelihood of Sue getting blisters and me getting cold hands.

Thanks must go to Josie and Hugh of 'Alpenstock' in Stockport for their last minute assistance regarding our kit. They have the same knowledgable and caring approach as the legendary Bob and Rose.

It was drizzling in Manchester, but once across the border the heavens opened and aquaplaning became a distinct risk.

On the way we were somewhat surprised to see 'Morayshire' pull gently into Lancaster services. The bizarre illusion of this green liveried steam engine pulling into a motorway service station was somewhat dispelled when its trailer came into view, but it was still a highlight of our soggy journey past lush green fields with pink cherry blossom and piebald cows.

Anyway, the old car won its battle against the elements and over 6 hours after leaving Alpenstock we thankfully pulled into Charlie and Fiona's driveway in Inverbervie.

Montrose was visited en route, the town grinning under a blue sky and a wide rainbow.

C + F are brilliant, if somewhat surprised, hosts (our visit was a secret until a few hours ago). Carbo loading is complete, the wine is flowing, and we are well prepared for tomorrow's long journey.


PS Thank you to Colin and Helen, Roman (yes, we are looking forward to continuing our Italian Border Route in a few weeks time), Steve, Louise and others for your good wishes. We may need them.

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1 comment:

  1. Been looking at the weather forecast for Scotland and it looks terrible, however we know from past experience that the sunshine often follows you two around, so hope it is doing the same now. If not I'm sure a nice hot toddy will help.
