Wednesday 19 August 2009

Two Silver Medals


John Jocys, stalwart of the TGO Challenge and Fine Gentleman indeed, is responsible for the above image.  We wouldn’t want to trust our lawn with Pacerpoles, would we?

He just happened to coincide his arrival with that of the postie with the package from Canada.

It seems that our efforts on this year’s Canadian Ski Marathon (reported on here and here) were rewarded with Silver Medals in the Mixed Touring Team category.  We don’t actually set out to win any medals, it being a personal challenge; they just seem to appear, some months after the February event.  The last one was bronze, so we must be getting better!

This team award is of course nothing much to do with us, it’s more of a personal triumph for our Team Leader and Manager, the ever industrious Helen.  Thank you, Helen, and Well Done.

My wardrobe door needs a bigger handle!


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