Friday 21 August 2009

WildVista – A New Outdoors Blog from Paul Filby

2101paulfilby I’m pleased to report on the recent launch of WildVista, a new blog with a similar philosophy to this one. 

So, as they say, if you like this you may like that. 

By coincidence, Paul’s blog is partly driven by his desire to share his experience of a six month trip to New Zealand, and perhaps give guidance and inspiration to others planning such trips.  Our own ‘Postcard from Timperley’ was started nearly two years ago as a means of keeping in touch with friends and family whilst we enjoyed a two month trip to New Zealand early in 2008.

(That reminds me – that trip still has to be indexed and summarised – doesn’t time fly!)

So, take a trip to WildVista and say hello to Paul, whose postings we should all enjoy.  You never know – he may add you to his blogroll!

The image shows Paul on his way to the 3152 metre summit of Piz Boe on 17 June 2006.

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