Sunday 29 November 2009

Snow in the Peak District

A strip of broken white slashes of snow lurked under the mist that embraced Kinder Scout as I passed by Hayfield this morning.

So I continued on towards Buxton. Then the Peak Forest turn beckoned, and, being averse to fog, I stormed ahead until I spotted the crooked spire at Chesterfield.

A few miles further on I received a text message:

"Facilities available, two miles ahead, in exchange for puddings and a slide show."

Luckily, I had some puddings and a laptop on board, so was suitably qualified to join eight sporty types for a few games of pool (with a happy backdrop of English cricketers handing out a thrashing to some Africans) before enjoying a bit of warm water relaxation (see picture).

This afternoon is rather more energetic and not at all good for the health of my poorly shoulder. Not quite so poorly as to be completely whitewashed at squash though .... thanks Stuart!

Ha ha, the puddings beckon....

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