Tuesday 5 January 2010

Sunday 3 January 2010 – Tatton Park

A tree near the Knutsford entrance to Tatton Park
A lovely sunny day drew us out into the icy wastes of Manchester’s hinterland.  Known as Tatton Park, the venue for today’s slither has a long history, dating back to the bronze age, but more recently involving the bequeath of the Egerton family’s estate to the National Trust in 1958.

As we returned from the east coast yesterday, in interesting conditions involving icy roads and trees heavily laden with snow, a sharp shower of sleet in Manchester had immediately frozen solid, leaving a thin veneer of ice, more or less everywhere.

Sue in Tatton Park So we went to the Knutsford entrance to the park, slithered up the west side of the lake, past the Greek temple,

The 'Greek temple' in Tatton Park enjoyed coffee and cake in the restaurant, then slithered back along the east side of the lake. 

The view back across the lake, with Canada Geese, and the Mansion behind

A swan was sunbathing on the ice.

The sunbathing swan

Woodland in Tatton Park Attempts to find a short cut back from pleasant woodland to the park entrance failed due to impenetrable marshland, and we emerged eventually near the centre of Knutsford, passing the Ruskin Rooms – an ornate building completed by Richard Harding Watt, an admirer of John Ruskin (1819-1900), in 1902.

The Ruskin Rooms (1902)

A very pleasant 8 km slither on a blue sky day.  A short slideshow is here.

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