Saturday 9 January 2010

Timperley to Dunham Massey by Canal

Treescape in Little Bollington

Yesterday was allocated to various ‘admin’ jobs, but the wonderfully clear, fine weather continued, so Sue and I couldn’t resist a trip out.

So we set off after lunch, past The Big Blue Snowman, to the local canal.

The Blue Snowman

The surface was very firm, except under the bridges.  Here Sue and Mike establish that it’s perfectly safe.  Further on there was an ice hockey match in progress!

Sue and Mike on the canal

The canal surface was not its usual texture.

The canal surface had some interesting textures

Hoar frost seems to rule OK on a 24 hour basis.

Hoar frost adorned the grasses lining the canal

This has to be a little unusual!

A pristine surface on the path to Dunham Massey

And this!

Cycling is easier down here - the towpath is bumpy and narrow...

I headed off to collect the car from its annual service, whilst Sue proceeded to Little Bollington and thence to Dunham Massey, taking these excellent sunset images along the way.

On the approach to Dunham Massey, from the path leading from The Swan Sunset from Dunham Massey

A full set of images, should you have the time or inclination, is here.


  1. Great pictures Martin & Sue! The snow's back in Cambridge (after a brief intermission between Xmas and New Year). Think I might have another wander along the Cam tomorrow with the camera. Keep enjoying it while it lasts!

  2. It's not been cold enough down here ("down here" I say like we're hundreds of miles away!) to even contemplate walking down the middle of the canal, but you've put me in mind to take a stroll down the Trent & Mersey tomorrow to see how it's looking.

  3. It really feels like something quite out of the ordinary doesn't it?
    We've been swamped by immigrants - there are redwings and fieldfares everywhere. Very entertaining. Great set of photos by the way.

  4. I think it IS quite out of the ordinary to have so many days below freezing. Monday's snow is still frozen onto our garden shrubs. Normally it would have thawed, if only a little, days ago.
    We also have fieldfares and redwings, but not so far as I can see in huge numbers.

  5. Lovely photographs!

    I still haven't managed to venture out much, the Kahtoolas I've ordered are out of stock, but they'll be winging their way here shortly. When the ice has gone, probably!

    We're heading into our fourth week of frozen wastelands, it's quite extraordinary, but I think we've had it relatively easy here. There's a lot to be said for living on the coast!

  6. That poor with cold!


  7. You Manchester folk clearly aren't as "adventurous" as this pair.

    A fine attempt to bag a Darwin Award methinks...

  8. No, Paul, what we do on the canal is perfectly safe - no Darwin Awards for us I'm afraid.
