Friday 17 December 2010

The Temperature Drops Again

The mercury fell from 6C to 2C over a 30 minute period yesterday lunch time.

It froze hard last night.

Captain Beefheart sadly failed to make it through the day.  It’s a long time since we saw him in Manchester, but he’s fondly remembered.

The ice is re-forming on the canal.

The Bridgewater Canal in Sale

The previous ice hadn’t fully melted, despite a few relatively warm days, a couple of inches remaining under the surface water.

As usual, it was warmer under the bridges, and it’ll be a day or two before we can ignore the bridge when walking to the King’s Ransom!

The King's Ransom

“Quack” said Marjorie.


Sale Ferry had been in use, but will shortly be iced up again.


Sale Ferry

It’s snowing now, so tomorrow’s views will be different.

Welcome back, JJ.  You made it!  Sue and I have a small assignment for you when you’ve unpacked!


  1. Thanks for the welcome back - it's wonderful to be back!

    Do let me know the details of the assignment, I'm doing some pre-Christmas decorating at the moment but it won't take long....and a break from it to do something else could be good.


    (-14degC in my part of Timperley @ 8am today)

  2. Only minus 8 in our car port at 8am!
    But we are the other side of the line, of course...
    See email for Assignment and other useful information, offers, etc...

  3. Noticed yesterday and today that the Irwell is starting to freeze over around Pamona Docks area near the city centre!

  4. Jamie, whilst daytime temperatures are easing upwards (+2C today) overnight it's still below -10C on the canal, and it has even frozen under the bridges at Brooklands and Sale, which is quite unusual. You could probably easily walk from your house to the canal, then all the way to Lymm without needing to resort to the towpath!

  5. John
    Your assistance with The 'Assignment' was really most appreciated, and the newly polished item that has emerged from 8 years of storage in a damp container will entertain its first customers for a long time tonight. Hope your gigging goes well...
