Thursday 20 January 2011

Run to the Sun

For our first ‘Run to the Sun’ trip of 2011, it looks as if we’ll have to make do with ‘Sunny  Intervals’.

The weather forecast for Ottawa - 20/1/11

Somehow I don’t think I’ll be wearing that Polartec® fleece outdoors very much!

This excellent website provides a pictorial flavour of conditions ‘on the ground’, so to speak.


  1. The Boy is Barking Mad!

    It's a tropical Plus One C here.

    Deary me!

  2. Sunny Intervals eh. Better than grey dull and foggy.
    Just booked a week in southern Spain. I need a bit of sun. 1st week in Feb.

    Thanks for posting your walks list. We will try to make at least one this year. Its difficult with Sheila's hours. She does 5 days in 4 so that we can have long weekends but it means that she doesn't get home until 7pm on week days.

    Have a good time in Canada.

  3. Thanks everyone. It is fun. Probably also 'Barking Mad'. Minus 19C at the car park, so we only stayed out for 4 hours or so today. Very pleasant, actually!
