Thursday 28 June 2012

Across The Eastern Alps: E5 from Verona to Lake Constance

Our 540km section of the E5 route

The more alert amongst you may have realised that we are about to embark on the southern section of European Walking Route E5, which runs for 3200km from Pointe du Raz in France to Verona.

The map shows our own planned route, subject to a few diversions, which we are walking in the ‘wrong direction’, ie from south to north, in order to avoid the late snow in the Austrian Alps and obviate the need to carry ice axes and crampons, as they would struggle to fit into Sue’s bum bag.  We will be walking around 540 to 600 km in total, over about 37 days, including some rest days.  Sue still can’t carry a rucksack, so it’s on a B&B basis.

Gillian, you may recognise the map – it’s from your excellent guide book, which we will attempt to negotiate backwards, starting at page 152!  The book has already proved invaluable in planning our itinerary, which includes a side trip into the Lechtalalps.

This promises to be a fine trip through a wide variety of Alpine scenery and habitats.  We hope you’ll enjoy the Postcards from the comfort of your armchairs.


  1. All sounds very exciting - can't wait to read about your adventures! Have a good time!

  2. This looks and sounds amazing! Lucky you being able to devote 5 weeks to it as well - that's already more than my entire annual leave in one go (not that I'm jealous or anything!).

    Looking forward to reading of your exploits along the way! Go on - tease me, why don't you?

  3. Patrick Vincent29 June 2012 at 13:25

    Just had a look at your itinerary and recognised many of your stop offs. Refugio Campogrosso - really wonderful simple food. Hotel Ideal (Levico Terme)- great hospitality from the owner.

    Hope you have good weather.
