Tuesday 26 June 2012

Lake Constance

Lake Constance at Lindau - March 2009

It’s over three years since we’ve been here, and the weather wasn’t so good.

Time to revisit?  Yes.  There’s a nice path from Verona, we are led to believe…


  1. Patrick Vincent27 June 2012 at 22:30

    I am looking forward to following your journey, as I did it in 2007 (in the other direction).

  2. We are also looking forward to our E5 adventure Patrick. We will be taking our time over it - I'll try to post details of our route plan before we leave (it's still 'coming together').

    This posting took me absolutely ages, as Windows Live Writer stubbornly repeated an error message, so I had to post using Blogger. Curiously, WLW seems to have started working again tonight, just as I was about to attempt to reinstall it.!

  3. Have a great trip Martin. I'll be in the Lake District for part of the time you are away, but will follow you on the BB. Can't comment though.

  4. Thanks Gibson
    Enjoy the Lake District, and do take the trouble to find some quiet corners. You'll have a great time.
