Thursday 27 September 2012

Wednesday 26 September 2012 – Styal at Night

The Ship, Styal

I didn’t really expect anyone else to come on this evening walk, so I wasn’t surprised when nobody turned up to join me for a beer in the quiet pub.

Sue is working feverishly at present, so reserved her evening out for a meal with Tim at Chilli Banana tomorrow (ie today).  The lane through Styal was deserted and having set off on my walk I saw nobody on the normally busy paths.  It was quite eerie at times in the dark woodland with the bulging River Bollin swirling at my feet and the smell of Himalayan Balsam wafting across my nostrils.

My planned 7 km route was abandoned as I knew it would pass through a very muddy farmyard, so instead a circuit via Twinnies Bridge seemed a short (4 km) but sound route choice.  And so it was; despite all the recent rain the paths weren’t too muddy, and given the nearly full moon a torch was only needed in the more heavily wooded sections.

A short but very pleasurable excursion on familiar paths.

Here’s the route according to my Garmin gadget:


  1. Hi Martin,
    Thats sad that you walked alone. I tried my best to get there but it wasn't to be. With Sheila just back in work after Greece she had too much to clear and didn't finish until 6.45. She was too tired and asked me if i minded if she called it off.
    Maybe we could organise a mid week day walk.

  2. Not really sad, Alan, I quite enjoy this sort of walk every now and then.

    I agree, we should liaise re a midweek walk - after I get back from my next trip...

  3. Where are you off to Martin.

  4. It's a trip with a Scottish pal who wants to go up some English and Welsh Marilyns. The itinerary is based on £10 a night Travelodge accommodation. We should have a good laugh, and whether or not we do I'm sure our antics will make you chuckle! It's the South Lakes on Monday and Tuesday should you care to join us.

  5. Sounds good. I will let you know after i have been on a walk tomorrow. I have a bit of a sore Achilles.
