Sunday 7 October 2012

Fan Nedd - Marilyn Number 670

Fan Nedd is easily ascended in half an hour or so from point 446, at the top of a hairpin on the minor road between Heol Sennl and Ystradfellte. Whilst the summit, and in particular the cairn to its north, sports fine views, it would be a shame not to extend this outing (as we did) by heading west, in the direction of the summit photo above, to complete a choice of worthy circuits or linear walks.

Those simply wishing for a short stroll should budget about an hour, there and back from SN 923 196.

Incidentally, today we could see far out to sea to our south, and far into Shropshire and mid Wales to our north. I couldn't identify many individual distant hills, but from her perch on Titterstone Clee Hill (and perhaps Brown Clee as well - has she taken up Marilyn bagging?) Sue tells me that today the distinctive shapes of both Pen y Fan and Cadair Idris were clearly visible.

Shouldn't she be at home doing the housework?!

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