Friday 5 October 2012

Holyhead Mountain - Marilyn Number 1487

At 2220 metres this would be quite a Mountain!

The nice man in the tea shop at Holyhead Country Park pointed us in an anticlockwise direction for what turned out to be a short stroll.
We headed along a good path above the north coast, past a strange artefact and on towards North Stack. From this north western point the mesmerising flashing light from South Stack's lighthouse held our attention for a while.

A left turn here took us neatly up to the fine viewpoint despite its modest stature. From the Isle of Man to much of Snowdonia. A choice of paths guaranteed an easy descent brought us quickly back to the Park.

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  1. Before my knees were completely knackered I used to run up and down Holyhead Mountain as part of an insane (but fun!) race.

    I recall winning a case of wine - don't recall much else though.


  2. I see M2's Buffalo top is still going strong - if a little faded...
