Tuesday 9 October 2012

Mynydd Llangorse - Marilyn Number 954

Having parked at SO 160 283 to climb Mynydd Troed we felt unable to shun the opportunity of climbing this little hill as well.

A father and his young daughter romped down the hill towards us as we took a short break on some rocks by the cars. We thought perhaps they thought we were car thieves (such thefts are common in this area), but it turned out that the little girl was in a rush to get to a nearby indoor climbing wall as soon as it opened.

We saw nobody else on the hill as we rose past Harebells and Tormentil, and sadly over lovely turf that had suffered recent damage from trail bikes despite a 'No Bikes' sign at the foot of the hill. Such a shame for those who regularly try to appreciate this otherwise quiet and pretty countryside.

A trig point that we visited appeared to be lower than the pile of stones (pictured) that marks the summit area. As usual, we tramped around a bit to ensure that M2's Marilyn Bagger's 'tick' could be entered in his copy of Alan Dawson's book without any question or doubt.*

By then one of the layers of cloud had either risen or lowered to envelope us for the rest of this pleasant amble as we retraced our route back to the car, and another cuppa.

* I'm writing this having returned home and spotted some messages from another inveterate hill bagger, Mike Knipe, who has pointed out that the list of 'Marilyns', like the list of 'Munros' (Scottish mountains over 3000 feet high) is a dynamic thing, which changes as more accurate surveys are carried out. So Alan Dawson regularly updates his list. Consequently the 'original' numbers used in this series of postings are probably all now wrong, and Raw Head no longer meets the criteria for inclusion in the list. That doesn't of course stop it being a good walk though! Thanks Mike, and I hope you agree that whilst on one hand 'ticking' these lists of hills can become a little compulsive, they do without doubt provide a stimulus for us to visit different hills rather than deepen the grooves in just a few favourites. Certainly the variety afforded by this current trip has been remarkable.

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