Tuesday 9 October 2012

The Cloud - Marilyn Number 1303

M2 and M1 concluded their eight days of 'Travelodge Bagging' with a visit to this pleasant spot overlooking the Cheshire plain.

After refreshing ourselves at Rushton Spencer's excellent Knot Inn, we parked just north of Timbersbrook for this easy final circuit, taking the Gritstone Trail path to the summit and returning via the escarpment trods.

The late afternoon views were excellent, if a little hazy - Jodrell Bank, just eight miles away, was only just visible.

Then it was back to Little Italy (in Timperley).

All in all an excellent trip during which we appear to have bagged 5 Travelodges, 27 Marilyns and 1 'sub Marilyn' or HuMP (hill with a HUndred Metre Prominence). I now need to look for a pencil to mark up, and update, Alan Dawson's book.

I'm sure there's more to follow when I've downloaded some photos and the data from my Garmin Gadget.

Bye for now...

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  1. I've really enjoyed that whirlwind adventure, what's next?

  2. Certainly was a bit of a whirlwind M1 &2. Well done.

  3. Thanks Louise, and Alan. It was a pleasure. What's next? Well currently the washer is spinning, the hoover is about to pounce on Sue's muddy car, the tram is waiting to take me to the shops, the barber is poised with his scissors, a dodgy knee is taking a well earned holiday, and a menu has to be prepared for my personal fund raiser...

  4. I second what Louise said. I've really enjoyed that series of posts.

    I think that another Cicerone guide will be making its way into my collection.

  5. Like the others, I've also enjoyed these posts Martin. 'Dodgy knee' - don't mention the subject...

  6. If you want be using an up to date list you can enter your conquests onto your own personal list on this web site and obtain all sorts of other info.

    I have enjoyed your trip. If my knee does not permit me to do a long distance backpack next year I have a vague idea of taking the caravan to Cornwall and working my way eastwards and north mopping up some of these hills over a several week period.

  7. Conrad, I registered with that site ages ago, but haven't yet managed to find the time or inclination to enter all the data that it takes. There's something nice about having it all on paper (insofar as I have recorded what I've done).

    Your Cornish idea sounds excellent and would give you some excellent short walks.

  8. I enjoyed my jaunt up The Cloud a while back
    but I never knew it was a Marilyn, nice spot though!
