Tuesday 25 June 2013

Tuesday 25 June 2013 - Pyrenees GR10 - Day 11 - Stage 8 - Col Bagargiak to Logibar

Distance: 17 km (Cum: 158 km)     

Ascent: 430 metres (Cum: 7860 metres)
Time taken: 5.75 hrs including 1 hr stops                                     

Weather: we started in cloud and finished in sunny periods

Although it wasn't raining, my jacket was needed at the start of today's walk, though by the end, after a very gradual transition, t-shirts and a yearning for a beer were the order of the day. 

The paths were excellent, with very little tarmac. Even before dispensing with anoraks and gloves, we noticed an 'improvement' in the flora. Butterwort and Round-leaved Saxifrage lined the banks of the narrow lane we set off down, and numerous species were observed during the course of the day. I think we must have moved into a limestone area.

The cloud has hung over nearby peaks all day, so although the local views have been fine (indeed, very pleasant) anything distant has been obscured. But it hasn't rained!

A troupe of 17 of us exchanged places a few times before settling down into a sort of running order. It's maybe like being on an Exodus or Explore trip with an incompetent leader. Eventually we all made it to Logibar, where some of us had booked accommodation and some hadn't. The auberge is full, and everyone seems to be here.

We are sharing an annexe with Stuart, who we found languishing outside the auberge, having been laid up for a day with a stomach bug. 

Pierre's party took their time, but I suspect his comment about his mother in law - "she's very noisy today" is good news and means that Chantal is managing well.

John and Paul are delighted with their room, which is a little more private than ours, from which we have had to evict some freeloading campers (they claim they had permission to use our en-suite as a public convenience, but we aren't so sure!)

Today's image shows Pierre leading his team past at our lunch stop beyond Cayolar Mendikotziague, not to be confused with the nearby Col du Middleraynerton.

Later: a half decent half board meal at the auberge has been consumed. Our room for four is now full. The auberge is full.  There is a big group of canyoners here as well.  François got the last bunk. There are now 17 GR10 people in our little group.  As already mentioned,  we picked up Stuart this evening - he has spent all day at Logibar with his tummy bug. Other new additions are  Gilles from south of Toulon, a refugee from the HRP who is going to Banyuls, Eric and Nicholas from near Paris who started yesterday from Estérençuby (just as well they missed the rain, judging by the look of their kit), and we now know the pair with the huge rucksacks with bits hanging off to be father and son, Jacques and Julian.

Ron (we are going back a few days - we didn't expect to hear of him again) is reported to be a day ahead, with John and David's contingent! 

Tomorrow - we will be straying from GR10 on a mini adventure. ..

Sent from our GR10 trip - see here for our itinerary

1 comment:

  1. Still following your adventures with interest, and glad to see the weather has picked a bit - after a soggy start you deserve a bit of respite from the rain!
