Wednesday 14 August 2013


Finished - 3.15 pm, Wednesday 14 August 2013.  In the Mediterranean. Unable to proceed further. 

Picture courtesy of David Roberts Photography. 

Delay courtesy of David and Jan Roberts Hospitality. 

Full posting to follow tomorrow. 

Sent from the end our GR10 trip.


  1. I have enjoyed following your trip. Well done, it looks like a good walk.
    We start ours holiday to France on Friday, but only for a couple of weeks. I am exchanging the “Col de Shallow Hill” for some real climbs in the Pyrenees.

  2. You mean you can't swim....?

    Well done, a good trip I think!


  3. HOURRAAAAAH !!!!!
    BRAVOOOOO !!!!!!

    and now Martin > good way back to Sue !
    Only wishing you both to keep in mind and in the heart for a long time this fantastic crossing and each pretty meeting made on your way...

    Thank you very much to have allowed us to share your thoughts, fears, joys, humor and magnificent mountain and flowers ...

    We are happy to know you !
    All the best
    Chantal and Joel

  4. I do not aspire to foreign adventure (not least because my passport is expired, last used for our honeymoon in Malta 1994 and still in my maiden name!) but I have really enjoyed reading about your adventures and Chantel and Joel's enchanting comments. Wonderful.

  5. A magnificent trip and i never got bitten once. Well done Martin not just on the walk but maintaining the high std of blogging.
    You must be feeling very fit now. We won’t be able to keep up with you.

  6. Thanks for all those comments. I still have to write up the final day!
    Don't worry Alan, I'll wait for you, and anyway I've got used to moving at a rather sedate 'long holiday pace'.
    I too have enjoyed Chantal and Joel's comments, Louise, which I hope will continue to entertain these pages from time to time.
    (Sent from Brasserie de la Gare - Perpignan)

  7. Hi Martin - Congratulations, especially as you made this an individual route, not just following the established GR10. I'm sorry I lost touch with you over the latter part being off on my own travels for the last couple of weeks struggling to keep all the tech charged up and generally fending for myself.

    That was a great achievement which you will always be able to look back on with immense satisfaction .Well done.

  8. Many congratulations on reaching the Med! I've enjoyed reading your posts from the Pyrenees for the last couple of months :-)

  9. Thanks All
    I've loved the walking (most of the time). It's a fine and varied route.

  10. Thank you Louise for your lovely appreciation...

    and now, I wonder : Martin, you sent à 08:14 your message from "Brasserie de la Gare - Perpignan"
    >> hé hé hé already drinking a fresh beer ? or delicious local wines "Banyuls" or "Muscat" ???

    We can say that you deserve them 3 !!! so : "santé" (as we say in France)
    but not too much > be carefull with the Customs officers if you..."hips" !

    15 August 2013 08:14

  11. Haha Chantal - it was caffée crême - I still had yesterday's diary to write!

  12. Well done Martin! I'm looking forward to you being home and we can plan our next holiday...!
