Monday 23 December 2013

Saturday 21 December 2013 – Wythenshawe Parkrun (Christmas Edition)


Sue and I joined 158 others for Wythenshawe Parkrun number 118.  Parkruns have developed a tradition whereby on the Saturday before Christmas the finely honed athletes who take part week in, week out, dress up in the spirit of the occasion. 

Thus, on Saturday, I knew I was carrying an injury, hamstring I think, as well as not being recovered from my recent muscle problem, so I felt it appropriate to disguise myself as a slow moving Christmas tree.  Next year I’ll adorn it with lights and baubles … perhaps!  Anyway, despite worsening my injuries I managed to limp around the 5 kilometre course, encouraged by a vocal and supportive crowd. 

The fairy on the right of the above picture really did upset a few of the more serious runners by coming home in sixth place (not that it’s a race) in a very respectable 19.07.  Later, he proudly exclaimed that he thought that was a record for a fairy at Wythenshawe – a target for someone to beat next year!

Pictured below is our little group comprising me, Sue, Diana, Joe, Andrew and Alastair, after the rather muddy run.  My tree roots got quite badly trampled in the mud and nearly tripped me a few times.  And it’s hot in a tree costume.


Here’s another set of stalwarts of this event - The Barbers of Wythenshawe Parkrun - Greg, Paul, Jeanette and beautiful Isabella, posing briefly before we all adjourned for tea and bacon butties.  Heavily costumed Jeanette is to be congratulated on pushing Isabella around the course in a shade over 30 minutes.  Greg was one of those unable to match the pace of the flying fairy.


Great fun!

Good luck to Joe on Christmas Day, when he’ll be running his 50th Parkrun.  Sadly, injuries have forced me out of that one.


  1. Very fetching. Green suits you. The pants look a bit on the baggy side but the stars add a “je ne sais quoi” to the outfit. Did you have much competition in the veteran tree category?

    Happy Christmas R+L

  2. Haha, I think I had the 'Veteran Tree' category to myself!
