Thursday 26 June 2014

Friday 20 June 2014 – An Evening Walk from Beetham


Last Friday Sue and I chose a lovely evening to set off from The Wheatsheaf in Beetham, through the colourful church yard.

The walk was due to start at 7.30, but with no others expected we started before 6pm.

Paths heading towards the Fairy Steps led through woods with deserted ruined buildings.


New signposts in this area comprise solidly built cairns with direction markers on the top.


Before long, we reached the Fairy Steps.


On a perfect evening, tea and cake with a view towards Arnside from the top of the Fairy Steps was just what the doctor ordered.


It's hard to descend without touching the sides. We won’t be seeing any fairies…


From Haverbrack there's a fine panorama with the Kent Estuary, Milnthorpe, and the Lake District beyond, with High Street and other Lakeland summits prominent in the distance. It's a sharp descent to the estuary...


... where a pleasant woodland path meanders beside the sands.


Oystercatchers and many other birds feed here.


We soon turned away from the estuary and up beside the River Bela.


Then it was on across the Deer Park and back to Beetham.


We soon passed another Cairn / Signpost.


There were plenty of deer and sheep about. We are just outside Milnthorpe here.


Soon we were back in Beetham, enjoying the last of our tea in the shade from the warm evening sunshine.


Here’s our route - 8km, 200 metres ascent, taking 2 hours. Highly commended.


There’s a slideshow with a few more pictures – here.

We go on holiday tomorrow, so I’ll be making a daily posting, wifi permitting, by way of a personal diary. I’ll try to make it vaguely sort of interesting, but given the need to keep on top of the writing (often done whilst enjoying a beer and chatting to others) I can’t guarantee anything. Your comments will be welcome, even if I don’t manage to reply to them.

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