Wednesday 8 October 2014

Monday 6 October 2014 – the Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum (and other stuff)


Sue and I had planned a walk before returning home, after spending another pleasant evening in the company of TGO Challengers, of whom about a dozen remained at Crianlarich.

The rain in itself didn’t put us off, but it was so torrential that it was raining inside the hotel, whose staff were rummaging everywhere for more buckets.

Avoiding a soaking, we drove to Glasgow and arrived outside this museum (easy to find, £1 for 4 hours parking, entry free). It’s a great place and we only managed to explore a small section, so must visit again.

There’s an organ over the entrance, and a recital took place during our visit.


There are some interesting displays, including a lot about Charles Rennie Mackintosh (1868 – 1928) “Architect – Artist – Icon”.


The interesting natural history displays include this rare item of taxidermy – the elusive and iconic Haggis, half bird, half rodent, that keen eyed readers will recall having seen dashing clockwise around Scottish hillsides. That’s because they have evolved to have two short legs on the right flank, with longer ones on the left, enabling them to speed along in a clockwise direction, thereby escaping from all known predators.


Goggle-eyed, we then returned home.

I’ve now processed the weekend’s images, and there’s a small (41 images) slideshow here. (Click on the first image and then click ‘slideshow’ to view it.)

Here are some highlights, with links to the individual postings.

Friday - the Falkirk Kelpies and a guarded canal boat:0309Kelpie7

Saturday’s ascent of Ben Vorlich:0403Vorlich30407Vorlichtrig20419Vorlichrainbow6

The route up Ben Vorlich - 12 km, 1000 metres ascent, taking 5.5 hours: 0499route

Sunday’s outing up Beinn Chuirn with Mike and Marian, where these three photos were taken at the summit:0513Chuirnsummit30516Chuirnsummitmike20517Chuirnsummitlunch

Our route - 16 km, 850 metres ascent, taking 5 hours:0599route

Don’t forget the slideshow!


  1. thanks for a very enjoyable wet and windy Sunday.
    I though we were the museum Kings, but obviously have met our match?

  2. It wasn't that wet Mike, and Timperley was windier today. (Meaning "wind, what wind?")

    Regarding maps (your email query), I used to plot them on Anquet and take a screen shot, but with the new Anquet software I can download from my Garmin Forerunner to Garmin Connect, export the file as a .gpx file, then import the downloaded file into Anquet, so the Anquet screen shot now reflects the actual route taken as recorded by the Forerunner. The Anquet software is still new to me and I'm experimenting with the settings, but you can see from the Beinn Chuirn map that the route is very accurate as opposed to my previous guesswork with Anquet.

  3. Re the previous comment, and for the sake of clarity: after taking the screen shot I open that image in Photoshop, crop the image, add a border, and put it in my 'Blog Images' folder for inserting into the blog when I get round to doing it.
