Saturday 11 October 2014

Thursday 9 October 2014 – An Evening Walk to Stretford


We just didn’t feel like traipsing to Peckforton for a walk in the dark. We weren’t alone, as we would have been alone on that planned walk, if you get my drift.

Instead, Sue and I enjoyed a leisurely supper and set off down the newly resurfaced Bridgewater Canal towpath on a 50 minute jaunt to Stretford, from where we caught the tram back home.

The full moon illuminated our progress, though the ambient light would have been sufficient. Cyclists were also enjoying the newly laid surface, which replaces a very muddy section between Timperley and Brooklands. Some of the cyclists could benefit from lessons in courtesy, but it’s good to see them using this much safer alternative to the main Chester Road. If walking along the towpath at night, a torch is handy, if only to alert cyclists of your presence.

A couple of watering holes were passed, one being The King’s Ransom in Sale, which we didn’t visit on this occasion, just pausing to take a couple of snaps with the Lumix FT4.

Temperatures remain warm, with two layers being sufficient to give rise to some overheating.


Our next evening walk is around Styal on Thursday 13 November – meet at the Ship Inn, Moss Lane, SJ 838 835, at 7.30 pm for a woodland saunter. All are welcome 5 – 10 km, depending on weather and what we feel like doing.


  1. Hi Martin,
    Been cycling to work more recently, along unlit paths and forest tracks in the dark. Even with a very bright front light it is difficult to see ahead anyone or anything unless they wear something reflective or carry a light. At risk are: runners (usually have some reflective bits), dogs (often wear flashy collars), bikers without lights (!), but most of all walkers - typically wearing dark-coloured clothes. All of which calls for cautious cycling and walkers 'brightening up'. Try taking Stumpy for a nocturnal outing along the Macc canal towpath and you'll see what I mean!

  2. Yes, Nick, it was clear that the cyclists appreciated Sue's torch being on, despite the full moon.
