Thursday 27 November 2014

The Bridgewater Canal Towpath in Timperley


The top picture was taken this week, the bottom one was taken in January 2012, since when the surface of the towpath had deteriorated further.

As you can see, the inconvenient closure of the towpath for a while has enabled it to morph into a nicely surfaced dry route for walkers and cyclists. The loose surface will slowly bed down onto the tarmac base and will be safe to use on frosty days.

This means that Timperley residents can cycle to work in the environs of Trafford Park along the well surfaced towpath that runs for 10 km from Timperley Bridge to the Barton Swing Bridge.

Alternatively the route is available to those who simply want some exercise without the hassle and danger of traffic. But cyclists who like me live in fear of traffic must realise their ‘role reversal’ on the towpath, where pedestrians and children can live in fear of speeding cyclists. Please be considerate, use your bell, and slow down where appropriate.

In the other direction, the resurfacing work as far as Broadheath is in its final ‘finishing off’ phase, so the new surface now extends to Altrincham.

Well done to all involved; despite a few very minor ‘snagging’ issues, it’s great for someone like me to have a 20+ km off-road in the dry ride from my front door.

This is all part of the Bridgewater Way project. Unusually, the website doesn’t seem to have kept up with the actual progress of the work, which is continuing by way of resurfacing work from Stretford (Watersmeet) towards Old Trafford.

PS Currently there’s a good selection of bird life on this section of canal, including Mandy the Mandarin, who thinks she’s a Mallard, Cormorant, Heron, Mute Swans, chattering Sparrows, various Tits, Pied and Grey Wagtails, Black-headed Gulls, too many Canada Geese, and if you keep an eye open as you cross the River Mersey in Stretford you may spot a Kingfisher.

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