Saturday 29 November 2014

The Tatton Yule Yomp – Sunday 7 December 2014


This is my running kit for next Sunday’s 10 km (6 mile) exertions with over 1000 other competitors around Tatton Park. The flashing lights don’t show up very well on the photo. It’ll be hot under there.

I haven’t run for some time due to a ‘reluctant’ knee, so I may not go very fast. I will be doing it though, as I’m using the occasion to raise a bit of money for a township school in Cape Town, the Levana School Partnership.

I’m not after a lot of money, so if you can afford up to a fiver, I’d appreciate the donation, either in cash when I see you, or directly to my JustGiving page.

Thanks in anticipation.

Meanwhile, I was marshalling (well, processing barcodes) again for today’s Parkrun at Wythenshawe. Here’' are a few of the 179 participants near the start. Note the two ‘fairies’!


There’s an album of 36 photos here, for anyone who may be interested.


  1. hi Martin, are you hoping for a best gear category for next years challenge.



  2. That would be nice! I know I can rely on your vote...

  3. This is Very Silly! Love it! Will send dosh . . .

  4. Thanks HMP3. The waistband of the 'tree' is a hoop, under which is a bum bag stuffed full of ... stuffing... and of course the battery pack for the lighting system, so it's all a bit cumbersome.

    It's going to be a struggle to outrun the dogs that some correspondents have said will hunt me out, and the mud could also be a problem.

    "Very Silly" - I'm inclined to agree, but the die is cast.
