Thursday 30 April 2015

Martin’s Grand Scottish Tour – April 2015


This posting fleshes out those made over the past few days and provides maps of my walking routes. There’s also a slideshow of 64 images, here.

Anyway, after straining something at the Penrith parkrun early on Day 1, I was a sorry sight limping up Hill of Persie before heading on to Braemar.

It was a very rough 5km, with 240 metres ascent, taking an hour and three quarters.


Day 2 – here I am on top of Blath Bhalg.


This was a good circuit, much better than the ‘guidebook’ there and back route. There were good views between the snow showers.

It’s 9 km with 390 metres ascent, taking two and a half hours.


Day 3 – from Bridge of Gaur I set off alongside Loch Rannoch before heading to Dalwhinnie.


Today’s walk was an easy ascent of Creag Ruadh – 12 km, with 400 metres ascent, in about 3 hours, before heading on to Newtonmore Hostel.


Day 4 – a driving day, with lots of deliveries and no time for a walk, but with good views of the Cairngorms across Loch Morlich.


Day 5 – from Ford, I went home via the Rest and be Thankful Pass, before which is this fine bridge at the end of Glen Fyne.


There was time to pop up Hods Hill, on the Southern Upland Way near Moffat. Here’s a view towards Daer Reservoir from near the summit.


It’s an easy route – 8 km with 300 metres ascent, in about two hours. I didn’t realise you could walk up the road to the end of the reservoir to join the SUW, which goes across the dam.


So that’s it, a successful trip with some good walks in between deliveries and 1100 miles of driving.

The slideshow is here.


  1. A fine, successful and most helpful trip - thanks for doing the deliveries Martin!

  2. Thanks John, and Alan. I don't really know why, but I really enjoy the occasional longish driving trip, spiced with some good company and a few short walks.
