Wednesday 6 May 2015

TGO Challenge 2015 – Anticipation!


I broadcast the route that Sue and I are planning, back in January (here).

The route was vetted by Roger Smith and didn’t need any adjustments, though I anticipate some of the Foul Weather Alternatives being deployed.

Our rucksacks are loaded. Mine maxes out at about 15 kilos at its heaviest. Sue gets away with a little over 8 kilos, but it is the first serious backpack she’s done since her neck muscle problems that started in 2009.

It’s our easiest route to date, just about 200 miles, so hopefully we’ll make it across without too much trouble.

I’ll be blogging every day, as usual, and I’ve just composed a web page with our route details, here. It’s an awful layout, I know, but until I get some new web design software it’ll have to do. Apologies for any glitches.

Our kit list is appended, in no particular order, to the bottom of the web page, should any geeks be watching.

Our train to Kyle of Lochalsh, via Edinburgh, Perth and Inverness, leaves Manchester Piccadilly at 6.15 in the morning, so it’s an early start!

I hope we get some weather like the sunny day I enjoyed last year on Creag Meagaidh, pictured above from the burn above Dog Falls.


  1. Not that you will need it but good luck to you both.

  2. All the best to you both. I will be following (from my study chair, not on foot).

  3. God luck to the two of you.

  4. Good luck also!

  5. Thanks Bill - will we see you at North Water Bridge campsite on Wednesday 20 May? Jon and Margaret may be coming.

  6. Apologies, I do of course mean 'Margriet'.
    Predictive Samsung 1; Martin 0
