Monday 9 May 2016

Saturday 7 May 2016 – ‘Perfect Angels’ and a parkrun


Before our encounter with the ‘Perfect Angels’ pictured above, Sue and I had a most pleasurable morning in Wythenshawe Park, where 299 parkrunners turned up on a fine, warm morning, many of whom stayed on for a coffee afterwards.

The construction of a temporary roof on the hall seems to be progressing well, with the clock tower having been detached for renovation by specialists who don’t need to be immune from vertigo.


This line up of worthies was actually for the purpose of taking a picture of their backs, showing the various ‘milestone’ t-shirts. Red is for 50 runs, black is for 100 runs, purple is for 25 volunteering appearances, and I’m not sure what Paul Muldoon’s yellow shirt signifies.


Here’s the picture taken from the back of the runners, nabbed off the parkrun Facebook page. I’m no clearer on the provenance of the Muldoon shirt!


After indulging ourselves with a lengthy coffee break and lots of cake, we adjourned to the company of the ‘Perfect Angels’.


Walton Park is an easy bike/scooter ride from our house, and a great place to spend the afternoon with the Perfect Angels, who are shown below in the ‘Gallery Barge’ after they had topped up with ice creams – the van must have left the park a few hundred pounds richer!


We saw squirrels in the park, and on the way back home we passed this mallard and her nine chicks, playing Russian roulette with some very focussed rowers.


We look forward to having you again soon, J and J. Perfect Angels, who should be Seen and not Heard!?


  1. Andy H says "I think he had one of the orange Tribesports tourists T shirts (personalised with Wythenshawe on it).

    Thanks Andy

  2. Where's the "like" button? H

  3. There isn't a 'like' button on Blogger. (I like that)

    Alan L says:
    'Knowing how Paul is so concerned with sartorial elegance, can I be the first pedant to point out that his shirt was in fact "apricot"?'

