Friday 6 May 2016

Wednesday 4 May 2016 – An Evening Walk around Marple


After enjoying the spectacle of our fleet of swifts arriving in our street to set up their summer quarters – good timing as there are suddenly plenty of insects in the warmer weather - we had the pleasure of joining Stockport Walking and Outdoors Group (SWOG) on their first evening excursion of the season, led by Marple aficionado Jack, on mostly familiar paths around Marple, principally the Middlewood Way and the Peak Forest Canal towpath. Luckily, there aren’t stiles on those sections, though the link over Marple Ridge did produce a few delays as it took some time to get 45 people and numerous dogs over or through a variety of obstacles, and through a field of horses on that section of the walk.

It had been a lovely warm day, and it continued that way until well beyond dusk, by which time we were sipping pints of Unicorn in the Railway, chatting to ‘armless Tracey the ‘Scone Lady’, and commiserating with Manchester City supporters after their team had been dumped out of the Champion’'s League.

There was a lovely sunset, followed by some nice reflections along the canal. A few of my snaps from the evening are included below:

On the Middlewood Way:


Heading east near Moult Wood:


Crossing the Macclesfield Canal:


Sunset from below Marple Ridge:


Descending to the Peak Forest Canal, with New Mills in the distance:


Returning to Marple along the Peak Forest Canal, finishing through ginnels by Ley Hey Park:


Here’s our route - 9.5 km, 100 metres ascent, taking a little over 2 hours.


Thanks to Jack for leading this well attended stroll.

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