Wednesday 3 August 2016

Ben Hiant (Ardnamurchan) on a Driech Day

Six of our fifteen strong group left for a day trip to the island of Canna. Five hours on a small boat in the Minches. My idea of hell. Another seven were missing in inaction, so Iain P and I set off for the Ardnamurchan peninsula.

After a break for coffee and cake and a present for Sue near Glenbeg, we continued to battle our way along the single track road towards Lochaline, finally halting at a 171 metre col below Ben Hiant. 

It was raining. The top picture shows Iain getting ready to depart. There was a path - a novelty by this week's standards. We followed it, taking about 50 minutes over the 400 metre ascent. There were no views; a shame, as the summit of this hill is reputedly a fine viewpoint. We satisfied ourselves by taking a few photos for the record - of dubious quality due to rain on the lens.

Then we returned down the path. The entire walk was 5 km with 400 metres ascent, in an hour and a half. Just right for a driech day.

We descended a mile or so to a lunch spot overlooking a beach, with Ben Hiant in the background in clearing weather (bottom picture).

Next Day

Today's route:


1 comment:

  1. Years ago with the family and a trailer tent at Resipol after several days of rain, my late wife,, always given to sweeping decisions, had had enough. "We're gping to Cornwall".

    So we packed up and drove non-stop to Slapton where we enjoyed the rest of the holiday in glorious sunshine.
