Saturday 28 January 2017

Friday 27 January 2017 – An Outing from P12 (Meech) to the Fire Tower


Warm again, with snow flurries all day. No sunshine. No frozen digits. A classic ski with Sue and Susan from P12 (Meech) to the Fire Tower and back.

Waxing was pretty much spot on with lilac (or is it violet?) wax not being too sticky today. (Just.)

After checking the fire at McKinstry, we made it to the Fire Tower, the most distant part of this section of Gatineau Park.


Then it was back to McKinstry Cabin for lunch. There were very few people about today.


It took us a shade over an hour to return to P12 on excellent trails in fresh snow.

For the record: P12 (Meech) > #40 > #1 > McKinstry Cabin (elevenses) > Fire Tower > McKinstry Cabin (lunch) > #1 > #40 > P12 = 25.5 km, 568 metres ascent, taking 4 hours 6 mins (3.34 moving time)

Later: Fish and chips at the Riverside pub.


  1. What happened to the photos of the fish and chips. The most important bit.

  2. Sorry Alan, I'll try harder next time! For the record, pub fish 'n chips, beers and a cheesecake came to £40, which was a bit of a shock compared with UK prices.

  3. Was that for the whole pub!

  4. Yes Alan, obviously Sue and I paid for fish 'n chips for all 40 customers...
    (Sorry for any confusion!)
