Friday 7 July 2017

Friday 7 July 2017 – Bridge Over the River Mersey


Whilst Sue pottered off to work on her bike, Susan and I lounged around before deciding on a modest circuit by way of a stroll from home.

We strolled through Newton Park and Woodheys Park before making our way to the Trans Pennine Trail. That took us around Carrington Moss to Banky Meadow and on to the Bridge Over the River Mersey.


A short stretch along the river bank led to a good track to…

A Bridge Over the M60 Ring Road.


After passing under the A56 in Stretford, we soon found ourselves in the familiar surroundings* of the Bridgewater Canal in Stretford.

Time to leave the Trans Pennine Trail and pause for lunch. Luckily I had sandwiches.

Then we enjoyed coffee and cake outside (it was a hot day) a café in Sale, before purchasing a couple of bananas and heading home past Walton Park, where the railway station was being treated to a new canopy. Luckily there are no services on a Friday, so the work could continue unimpeded by loud whistles and blasts of steam.


Here’s the route – 17.5 km in about four hours. A nice gentle stroll in pleasant surroundings and excellent training for a little amble on which we are about to embark.


* Actually, all these surroundings are very familiar as the route is more or less the reverse of a regular 50 minute bike ride that I use for a bit of exercise.

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