Saturday 6 January 2018

An Alpine Winter Tractor


Whilst Sue and I try to get to grips with our horrible coughs, here’s a tractor offering from Wuxing Nick, with a ‘context’ photo below.


We do hope we haven’t passed on our afflictions to anyone else….


  1. A very nice Fendt Farmer 201sa. Built in the early eighties. The reg plate shows it’s from the central Swiss town of Schwyz.
    Well kitted out for the weather.
    Anyway you look after yourself Martin, you know when you get old, coughs can turn into something nasty.

  2. I'm surviving so far without a cough hoping I have passed the incubation period. 'Twas good to see you both on New Years Day.

  3. Mick and I are both suffering from the most poorly poorliness either of us has had in a long time, which includes a cough. Don't think we can blame you for the germs, though, unless you've discovered a science-defying blog-distribution method.

  4. Thanks everyone, and it's a great relief to know that Conrad hasn't picked it up. If you do, Conrad, we suggest to get some antibiotics pronto. It's the worst illness I can remember having had to endure since I got Asian 'flu at junior school. This certainly isn't 'flu, but Sue reckons it's a viral infection that has lowered our resistance as a result of which we've picked up bacterial infections that could now do with some antibiotics. So it's a call to our friendly GP first thing in the morning.

    We hope that Mick and Gayle are on the mend, also JJ, who has been hit with a nastier bug than ours.

    As for getting old, Alan, surely that doesn't apply to us?

  5. Sorry to hear you’ve been smitten so get well soon. We’ve avoided all bugs so far and have had two days out in the snowy Ochils in glorious weather! Apologies for mentioning this...
