Saturday 3 February 2018

Kanata parkrun number 20

After yesterday's long journey, including a scenic interlude over the southern tip of Greenland, to Ottawa, it was a pleasure to join eleven others in enjoying a run along some woodland paths around Kanata on a cool morning. Dog walkers had helped to pack down the snow, which provided scant cover for a layer of ice. However, the Yaktrak crampons weren't needed, my trusty Keen Targhee II trail shoes being up to the job, if a little heavy for running.

I was quite happy with a time a shade under 28 minutes, and even happier with the chocolate cheesecake served by the local café afterwards.

Helen came along and served the parkrun cause by way of being back up timer, whilst Sue stayed at home to work and Ken took part in a truncated triathlon.

Snow/skiing conditions are a little dubious, but the sun is shining and we are all happy, Ken in particular after having blasted through the 'triathlon' (12 km skating then 5 km running) in little more than an hour.

(Sent by phone as Sue has appropriated the computer for work purposes.)

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