Wednesday 23 May 2018


Here are three images of Montrose taken on today's 'biscuit run'.

A great day without too much pressure on the TGO Challenge Control Room.

But only about 100 Challengers have finished so far. That leaves around 200 to come in, most of them tomorrow. It'll be a busy day.

Lovely evening with nearly 40 at dinner, including a number of very good friends who we haven't seen for some time. No pictures due to battery failure on this old phone. Replacement is imminent.

Good news of the day: hernia op fixed for 8 June, so we can now make plans for the summer.


  1. I hope all goes well on 8th June. Have you seen Mick Blackburn yet?

  2. Yes, Mick is alive and well in Montrose with very sore feet from the Deeside Way. We are expecting him to arrive soon, dressed in washing up gloves!

  3. Give him my best wishes please.
