Saturday 12 May 2018

Saturday 12 May 2018 – Wythenshawe parkrun number 338


The pictures above and below this text were taken after 11 o’clock this morning, when most of the runners had left the post run sanctuary known as the Courtyard Tea Room. I’d just not taken any pictures until then, having been distracted by the sudden realisation, after I’d finished, that I’d left my barcode at home. There’s a strict policy of ‘no barcode, no time’, so I pedalled as fast as I could back home to fetch said item before Jenn started to process the results.

“Is that sweat, or has someone thrown a bucket of water over you?” one jester whose name could only be Andy asked on my return.


It was all worthwhile, as having tried and failed for many months to get under 25 minutes for the 5 km, and consistently failed to reach my age related target of 70%, today I managed both, with 22.51 and 76%. The four week break I’ve had from running must have healed my injuries!

Or were these ‘hut slippers’ the reason for my quicker than usual time? – they weigh 245 grams (about 4 ounces each) and make me feel very light on my feet.


Full results for the 279 participants are here.


  1. Very Well Done Martin!

  2. Thanks, it was unexpected. No parkruns for a while due to root canal treatment...
