Monday 6 August 2018

Saturday 4 August 2018 – Wythenshawe parkrun number 350


“Didn’t you do a parkrun yesterday?” demanded Dot when we visited her yesterday.

“Yes, I’m slacking with my blog/diary entries!”

In what have become the usual firm, dry, warm conditions, some 261 runners braved the tree roots of Wythenshawe Park to experience the 350th appearance of this parkrun, on its seventh birthday. Run Director for the day, Jenn, offered a wealth of statistics and gave credit to Paul Muldoon for founding the event, Andy Holloway for his more recent ‘Direction’ and the numerous stalwart volunteers that have enabled the run to ‘prosper’ over the years.

My first parkrun at Wythenshawe was number 18, on 3 December 2011. The event fell outside the scope of my blogging at the time. There were just 17 participants and five volunteers. The majority of those people were present today.

My photos usually show people running, the overseer (Cromwell) or other specifics. Today’s picture, from left to right, shows Ron (puking?), a squatter, Sue and Alastair chatting after their leisurely jogging (actually Sue ran for the first time since February – the Alps have helped her Achilles problem – and spent the run chatting to Cary). Various folk are in the finishing funnel having taken about thirty minutes for the 5km run, and on the far right the sub 20 minute brigade are warming down in a mutual admiration society…

Having not run at all for five weeks, and with a dodgy ankle, I was happy to slowly jog round with Alastair, before adjourning for coffee, then what I hope is my last dose of root canal treatment for a while.

Congratulations to everyone who continues to make parkruns here and elsewhere a success. They have become a highlight of the week for many of us.

Full results are here.


  1. You looked fit enough when you were walking with me a few days ago, but then you were slowed down to my snail's pace, but that didn't stop you running off in sprightly fashion every now and then to recce ahead.

  2. Like Sue, I have an Achilles problem but am banking on it improving with increased activity. It seems to be a fairly common complaint, particularly among older walkers. That doesn’t of course apply to Sue!

  3. Never mind Martin. Still 20 min faster than me! We have you to thank (?) for introducing us to park runs!H

  4. I'm reasonably fit from 'Summer in the Alps', Conrad, but I still have a sore ankle after stumbling on a kerb in Heidelberg. It was a surprise when Sue finished close behind me, albeit I'd spent the time chatting with Alastair.

    Achilles, and calf problems, seem to be common ailments. There are exercises for Achilles problems that Sue isn't very good at doing when at home - perhaps the daily exercise in the Alps provided the exercises in a different way. Hopefully her running will continue without too much pain.
