Wednesday 2 January 2019

1 January 2019 – Haigh Woodland parkrun


Sue and I enjoyed a lie in at Lyn’s house in Adlington. We made it to Haigh Country Park in plenty of time for the 10.30 start of the Haigh Woodland New Year’s Day parkrun. Another eight tourists from Wythenshawe had made a much earlier start and had run in the 9 o’clock start at Witton parkrun near Blackburn before heading to this fine venue.

The picture above shows our team, after the event. Charley and Jenn seem to have been shrunk by the effort of two parkruns in one morning. I hope they have recovered!

It was a beautiful start to 2019, with a brilliant blue sky and a thermometer showing plus signs. Some 260 folk milled about at the start.


I was close behind Andy H after a couple of kilometres – it’s very unusual for me to do a sub 4 minute kilometre. But after that I fell back and more than twenty people passed me as I slogged back up the hill at 6 minute kilometre pace a little later.

Sue wasn’t far behind me – I only just got the camera out in time.


Andy H is a glutton for punishment – I think he went back to the bottom of the hill to commune with Kate and coax her into a fast finish.


That was a lovely way to start 2019 – just a shame that I forgot to bring any brownies.

Full results are here. I did this parkrun a couple of years ago – results here, but there was no blog report. Interestingly, I came in 40th position on both occasions.


  1. New Years Day park runs cancelled as well. Lovely skiing though, pics on FB.

  2. Conditions are better than usual here, for this time of year. Don't even need the grippy shoes at present.
