Saturday 16 February 2019

Saturday 16 February 2019 - Kanata parkrun Number 70

After all the recent snow this run was never going to be easy, despite Keith's efforts to tamp down the surface by repeatedly walking the course in his snowshoes. 

The pictures were all taken on the wide track by the start and finish. Only a short part of the course is like this. Most of it is single track with deep snow either side. The tail walker demonstrated this by disappearing waist deep into the snow to let the faster people past. Even in the single track tamped down by Keith and some dog walkers, the snow was soft, and 'post holing' occurred frequently. I was pleased to finish the 5km course in less than 30 minutes.

It was Steve's 50th parkrun, and the cupcakes he brought along with his wife were great. Thanks Louise. That's Steve, with the red t-shirt.

There were eight runners and five volunteers today, one of the volunteers also being a runner, so twelve people altogether. Ten of those went for a coffee afterwards - an impressive quota - a very jolly occasion that lasted until after 11am.

After having been handed the Canadian flag to wave after the last two parkruns, we were pleased to be able to display our own flag today.

Full results are here:

Meanwhile, the weather was perfect for the Gatineau Loppet (Classic), which Ken completed in a creditable 4 hours 26 minutes for the 51km course.