Tuesday 24 September 2019

Backpacking with Markus - A Few More Pictures

Allt an t-Sluic
I took over 100 pictures during my recent few days' backpacking with camera shy Markus. Here are just a few of them, starting on Day 1 - Dalwhinnie to Lubvan - blog entry is here.
You should be able to click on a picture to access a slideshow, though unfortunately the captions don't seem to appear there..

Following Markus into the narrow defile leading to Lochan na Doire-uaine

Following Markus to Lochan na Doire-uaine

Lochan na Doire-uaine - looking back to the defile

The path to Lochan na h-Earba

Lochan na h-Earba and Binnein Shuas

Markus's tarptent at Lubvan

Day 1: 32 km, 600 metres ascent, 9 hours
Day 2 - Lubvan to Lubnaclach via Corrour - was also undertaken in fair weather. The blog entry is here.
The path beside Allt Cam

Crossing Allt Cam


A good water supply in Strath Ossian

Fly agaric

Loch Ossian

Day 2: 25 km, 490 metres ascent, 8 hours
Day 3 - Lubnaclach to Bridge of Gaur, on a rainy morning. Blog entry here.
Early morning at Lubnaclach

Brewing up at Corrour Old Lodge

Looking back up Allt Eigheach

The River Gaur exiting the weir

River Gaur in spate

Day 3: 21 km, 470 metres ascent, 6 hours
Day 4 - Bridge of Gaur to Kinloch Rannoch on the quiet road on the south side of Loch Rannoch. Blog entry here.
The view from our room at Bridge of Gaur Guesthouse

With Heather and Eddie

Loch Rannoch

A 'project' beside Loch Rannoch

A completed 'project' beside Loch Rannoch

Loch Rannoch

The well surfaced start of a footpath to Glen Lyon

In Kinloch Rannoch at the end of the 97 km walk with 1810 metres ascent

Pitlochry Station - and the start of a long journey home

Day 4: 19 km, 250 metres ascent, 4 hours


  1. Many thanks Martin for your motivating company and your generosity!

    A shame that the inclement weather and my leaking boots prevented our planned forays on higher ground.


  2. It's a pleasure, Markus, and the only summit that we missed due to your wet foot was Sron Smeur, a small hill with a great viewpoint - remember to climb it next time you are in the area! Our other 'missed summits' can be regarded as 'mist summits' not worth visiting in the conditions.
    A successful and most enjoyable trip with no major incidents, despite your flapping tent material at Lubnaclach...
