Sunday 24 November 2019

Introducing 'Rocko'

Yesterday's forecast of heavy rain was 100% wrong. Today's forecast of a dry day was 100% wrong. Why do we bother looking at weather forecasts?!
After a 'just about dry' Great Run Local at Wythenshawe Park, Sue went bellringing and I jogged off in increasingly damp weather, to meet Kate and Co at Dunham Massey.
The autumn colours beside the canal in Altrincham, where lots of rowers were going through their paces, were pleasant enough, especially as they were accompanied by the dulcet tones of the bells of St Margaret's.
Towards Dunham the gloomy vista was enlightened by the surprising sight of two ladies on surf boards!
Kate and Co duly turned up, and the new member of the family, 13 week old 'Rocko', a Cocker Spaniel, went for his first 'big walk' - all of 2.5 km in the rain!
A deer was encountered. It must be used to dogs. Oscar and Rocko didn't quite know what to make of it.
Oscar is supposed to be reaching Rocko how to behave, which seems a little odd to me, as Oscar has not yet learnt (after about nine years), how to behave himself!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent name! St. Rocco is the patron saint of dogs...
